About BetterBrain.Info
My name is Cheng Ruan, I am a doctor, a husband, and a father. I went through my own brain health issues and also found it difficult to get answers even within the medical community.
It is so difficult to maneuver through endless information about brain health. Sometimes it can be distracting, and sometimes it can be useful. However, rarely are there practical suggestions to use. This can create uncertainty and burnout when trying to find the right answers.
After hosting the Reverse Brain Disorders Summit in December 2022, with over 60 hours of content and over 50 brain health specialists, I realized it is impossible to find one resource for all the amazing new developments in brain health.
This is why I created the BetterBrain.Info Community page, where I can finally see what people are asking for and curate a free experience. While I know I can't satisfy everyone with every question, I can always attempt to find the best information for what I think is practical, smart, actionable, relatable, and sustainable.